It’s an emergency. Yes, an emergency. It’s an emergency when someone is seated alone in worship, and no one reaches out to help them feel welcomed and cared for.
When I worshiped in a church in Memphis last weekend, I entered the sanctuary. I looked around for a place to sit, and I settled into a seat about midway in the worship space (no, I did not sit on the very back row!)
No one was seated near me, so I bowed my head and began to pray for the service. Soon, music started to play. I looked up and saw people around me talking with one another. I wondered if anyone would speak to me so I wouldn’t feel alone.
Pretty soon a big guy came over to where I was seated. He had a big smile on his face. He said he was glad I was there. Then he asked if he could sit with me. We engaged in a brief conversation. By reaching out, he simply wanted to communicate that folks who came to worship there were seen and they mattered.
Every Sunday when the Journey community of faith gathers for worship, I hope we’ll all remember it’s an emergency if someone is seated alone and no one reaches out and speaks to them, simply to let them know that they matter to God and to our church family.