Praise God for life change stories from last week’s baptism service . . .
My Story
“I accepted Jesus in my life when I was young. I have trusted Jesus most of my life; however, there have been times I did not. I had been in abusive relationships that caused a lot of anxiety, no self-esteem, and a hard time trusting anyone.
In 2016 I went to the ER. I thought I was having a severe anxiety attack, only to find out I had a heart blockage and scheduled for a pacemaker. In 2017 I was told I had lost 95% of my sight in my right eye. I’ve had surgeries on both eyes.
I was overwhelmed, questioning faith—why me? I was upset with a family member I felt I wasn’t strong enough to forgive. I was distant from people I love.
When I first started coming to Journey Church, I was lost, confused, hurting spiritually and knew I was in a bad place in my life. I visited Journey. Everyone was so friendly. I have received love, support and prayers. I feel like each day is a new day. I am forgiving and healing from my past.
I find myself telling people that when I thought Jesus wasn’t with me, he actually was with me the entire time. I was not alone. I want to continue spreading the word of Jesus.
Coming to Journey is a blessing in my life. I can let go of the old fears and build a new life. I am excited to be baptized!”
My Story
“As a kid I had heard some of the stories about Jesus. I sensed my dad’s distaste for hypocrisy. He seemed disillusioned by the commercial business of religion. I guess I followed.
Dad died a hard death from lung cancer. I witnessed his fear as he struggled to breathe. The pastor related at dad’s funeral that my dad on his deathbed had let his faith in Christ be known.
Following dad’s death, I felt alone in a way I have never known. The feeling was that the sky had opened up, and I was exposed and on my own. I had good support, but I learned that I could be very weak too.
I was alone spiritually for a long time. I held on to a desire to learn to pray. I’m still learning and sensing stronger emotion. Something said at Journey resonated with me and helped me make up my mind. We’re just imperfect people that want to live more like Jesus. That’s it I thought!”