Jesus is coming back. There’s no question about it.
I’ve heard this truth my entire life. It’s written with certainty in Scripture. And I know it’s true because Jesus Himself promised He would return.
But do we really believe it? And more importantly—do our actions reflect that belief?
If we knew Jesus was coming back in 1 year, 5 years, or even 10 years, would it change the way we live? Would we share the Gospel with urgency? Would we live in greater obedience? Would we wake up every day with purpose, making sure that no one we encounter misses out on the goodness of God?
This very question—What if Jesus came back in 10 years?—is what sparked a global movement called Gather25.
In 2022, author and evangelist Jennie Allen began wrestling with this idea. She couldn’t shake the reality that there are 5.5 billion people in the world who don’t know Jesus. And she asked: What would happen if all 2.5 billion Christians were mobilized to share the Gospel?
So she gathered a team. They prayed, dreamed, and trusted that God was moving. Leaders stepped up. Major partners joined in. And on February 28, 2025, for 25 hours straight, the first-ever global gathering of God’s Church took place.
Christians from all seven continents came together. People from almost every nation, every denomination, and every generation united to pray, to repent, to listen to what God is doing around the world, to worship the Lord Almighty and to bee recommissioned to spread the Gospel to a world that is lost, hurting, and broken.
Did You Miss It?
Gather25 was unlike anything the world has ever seen. The impact is still unfolding, and we may not fully understand its reach for years to come.
But here’s the good news: You can still be part of it!
All 25 hours are available to watch online through the end of this month at Gather25.com.
You may choose to watch all 25 hours, select specific sessions hosted by different nations, or view the highlights, the most powerful moments, from each session.
One session I implore you to watch is the session on the persecuted church. Their stories of courage, faith, and God’s miraculous work in some of the most dangerous places on earth will leave you inspired, challenged, and convicted.
So don’t wait. Go watch now. Seriously—now. Gather25.com